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Why Do We Most Need God?

A Two Edged Sword

The ego is a two edged sword. The ego, the I or me, has perceptions and opinions. I am important and have the privilege to express myself and consciously navigate life. But, the sword cuts both ways. We humans are created a little lower than the angels so we have a huge perception problem. We desperately need God to correct what we see incorrectly. 

Our deepest internal need is dealing with the ego. Without God what I believe may be false or only partially true. The ego, sometimes assertive, hurt or defensive causes us to have significant difficulty seeing ourselves and others accurately.  When we are sure we are correct in what we see we are often incorrect or at best partially correct. The inflated ego often believes in its first impressions which can be half-truths or even lies.

God’s View

We cannot see what God sees unless we admit we cannot see what God sees. Admission of the need of God affects all that we receive from God. Only God sees and knows all truth. We can believe in God and profess to know God and still not know all the facts or truth about an issue, situation or another person. Even Christians who profess to follow the One called Truth can still be blinded by an insidiously inflated ego. An inflated ego cannot see what is missed without God. 

History records when God has abandoned religious zealots to their own hubris and determined folly. Even Jesus reserved some of His most cutting comments to the pharisaical adherents of His day. We who are involved religious devotees need to be careful that we do not become blind religious devotees! Collective egos following a massive ego leader is especially troubling with potentially catastrophic consequences.

God’s Offers

Mankind’s decisions without God’s view is folly and often war; with God’s wisdom and knowledge is love and peace. Bottom line is what we offer self verses what God offers past our ego. When the ego meets God in a healthy experience of humility and openness we can receive His best.  A healthy experience with God is foundational to receiving God’s grace and forgiveness and His wisdom and blessings for this life and the next. With God we realize our created worth and purpose and see others as He sees others. That changes lives and relationships. That is Good News.  


Picture with this blog is the Parthenon, former Temple of Athena in Athens, Greece. The Greeks who first gave the world the word ego, acknowledged in mythology and beautiful edifices their need of the Creator to sustain life and give wisdom. 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mark Matthews

    Insightful and positive. I’ll be looking forward to more.

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