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A Simple Statement

Power of Simplicity

Simplicity has power. A simple hand drawn picture from a loving 5 year old can touch the depth of the parent’s soul. A simple statement from Jesus also speaks to the core of the soul. He stated, “whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” The gospel writers recorded the summation of God’s expectations of His children’s treatment of all humanity. 

 Living that simple statement would radically transform any relationship; government, business, economic system, racial, religion, family. All would change. Idealistic? Yes. Basic and radical and even disturbing? Yes. Disturbing? Yes. It would disturb the ego that desires control or revenge.


What if an alarm sounded each time we treat others in a way that we would not want to be treated? Busy people do not live very conscious lives. Religious people are often unconscious of injustices placed on others while proudly holding tenaciously crafted doctrines. We are all His children. How many times do we disappointment our Heavenly Father in the way we refer to and treat His other children?  

It’s that simple. Healthy religious experience is a relationship with God the Father who is Spirit Who makes our spirit conscious of how He sees all His children and how He desires we treat them. That will mean treating others as we would like to be treated. 

Learn From History

Called the Golden Rule history records innumerable times Jesus’ words about the treatment of others have been ignored. The implications would have changed history. 

This blog post picture is of a sculpture at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem. It was cast from the bones found in one of the concentration camps of Jews murdered during WWII. They were murdered by citizens of a country and people who espoused a belief in God. Those religious beliefs were forged during the Reformation. Their beliefs did not prevent the disregard and eventual murder of six million children of God. It continues today in may ways – against one another – on all sides!! 

Why don’t we just do for others as we wish others would do for us. Simple.   
